Tuesday, August 26, 2008

On the Edge

I've been on the verge, now I'm on the edge...of quitting. You all must think I've been dangling on this edge for quite some time--well, for a while, I was merely meandering around the edge, not getting too close. Now, times have changed.
President's have changed, and have decided that making changes in his new restaurant is a great way to make a first impression. He sucks. He has not said one word to an employee, unless prompted by an outstretched hand or an audible greeting. His hand shakes like a fish, and his eyes wander anywhere but the conversation.
This new President has decided to make asinine changes--he changed sections, he changed in-times, he changed the arrangement of our stocked items, he changed arrangement of tables. He's After his first attempt at changing sections failed, he decided to change again (unaware or uninterested in the fact that we change them ourselves from time to time, as an establishment). His newest change, has me swinging my feet over the edge about to jump. We have 14 sections, from the front to the back of the restaurant. He has decided, oh, he in his infinite wisdom of corporate policies and accounting mumbo jumbo, that the first 6 sections must be at least 1/2 or 3/4 of the way full (2 or 3 tables each) before seating sections 7-14. WTF? This pisses me off because I have another job, so I can't start working during the week until 5:00--sections 7-14 come in at 5:00. Bull shit. The other night, I was closing, and I was in section 9--I didn't have a full section until nearly 7:00, and by that time, I was ready to go ballistic.
Even though I'm this close to quitting, I can't afford to not wait tables, so I will just find another stupid serving spot.
And the cycle continues.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Perfect Example

Tonight started off weird. I realized, as I was getting ready for work, that I didn't have my server book. It wasn't the fact that I didn't have the book (I have an extra), it was that I had an actual paycheck in there and a few of my rantings. I tend to write while I work, rather than flip out on a ridiculous patron or management. It's worked. Well, I've had rantings in there for quite a while (because I haven't had time to blog them--after which, I typically throw them away), and I was worried that they had fallen into the wrong hands.
The first thing I did when I got in to work was go in the office. I asked one of the managers if he had seen my server book, which he had; he remembered puttin it aside since there was a paycheck in it. He and I, and another manager, searched the office, to no avail. I did tell him there were rantings in there, but I thought it was no big wup since they all know I blog. No book. So I leave the office for about ten minutes, and then I return. I see a book sitting right on the office counter, and I point to it (thinking that it's probably the one book I did find that wasn't mine). It was mine, minus the rantings.
I ask the managers if they have them--no one knows anything. I even asked the GM (he knows I blog too), nothing. I said something to a fellow server about it, and she said she saw "Manager" with them. When I approached him he said GM had them. At this point, I say, "Listen, I don't care who has them, at this point, I just want them thrown away." BTW, one of the rantings was a mock-letter that I would love to send to the owner, but going through with sending it would essentially be a waste of my time.
They give me this fucking runaround, which is pissing me off. Finally, I get really serious, and I the MOD to be straight with me. He said he read a couple lines, then gave it to GM, who read a little bit and threw it away. Why couldn't they just tell me that? Why did they have to be so cryptic and weird about it? At one point, MOD said something about my rantings expressing that we servers don't get ANY respect, and I believe this is a prime example. If they respected me, I don't care if they read it and threw it away, they should've just told me that. We're adults, not 10 year-olds playing keep-away with their little sister.
I shook it off after a little while, but it did piss me off. The rest of the night was fine. Made decent money for how slow it was. It'll pick up soon though--school's back in session soon.

Patio Monday Night.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

More Apologies

I haven't forgotten about blogging! I've just been working like a DOG!! As usual, I guess. I'm hoping to have some time coming up, but I'm not going to make any promises. I closed tonight, and I do have a few things written in my server book that I want to discuss, but it's too late. I promise, I haven't stopped bitching!

Lunch tomorrow.