Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Where Have I Been??

I just cannot believe how quickly time passes! I cannot believe that I haven't posted in so long! I've been really wrapped up in work, work, and work, so by the time I get home, the last thing I want to do is post...Hey, I'm being honest. Sometimes posting feels like work.

In reference to my previous post, the meeting with my manager did not go so well. He basically told me that the reason I have not been "promoted" to trainer is because of the previous arguments/opinions that I have given to managers or fellow employees. Whatever. He then blew a ginormous cloud of smoke up my ass and told me that he would keep me on his "radar" for the next couple of weeks. At that time, if he sees positivity, he will consider moving me up to trainer. I think it's bullshit, and I've dropped the entire idea out of my mind. I don't care anymore. I'm just going to take what I'm given and deal with it. I need the money, I can't afford to lose my job because I don't which sections I'm put in.
Ironically, ever since that conversation with GM, I have been scheduled in four-table sections, and last Saturday night, I was even scheduled in the front of the restaurant--the best place to be. So, actually, at this point, I don't have much to complain about.
So, that's that.

Sorry for the lack of posts. I hope I still have some readers out there.

Dinner tomorrow night.


Anonymous said...

I'm still reading!! Great to see you back.

Dave Q. said...

I hope you get your promotion. :)

Anonymous said...

great to meet you. if you are getting good stations, hey what else matters... personally, I find it annoying to be a trainer... yes, we get an extra buck an hour... but too often I lose money training a new server...they seem to get in the way...and then you get blamed "well mike told me to do it that way!"
happy Thanksgiving, mw

Anonymous said...

the thing is about monday often get a more sophisticated customer... saturday, at least where I work, is for amateurs....i often do better on sunday and monday.
happy holidays, mtw

Anonymous said...

Hey when are you coming back, miss your stuff!

Anonymous said...

You still have some readers, I'm new to your blog. Good luck.
Visit mine: So You Want To Be a Banquet Manager